How to generate a project tree in Tableau using Python

If you're working with a Tableau Server instance through the API wrapper Python package server-client-python (Github repo here), you might have a usecase for traversing through a project and all its nested sub-projects from top to bottom, for example to clone a project structure, since the parent project must exist before you create the child project.

For this, you'll need a tree-like structure to store the relationship between parent and child projects. I came up with two ways to store the parent-child relationship while allowing traversal: a tree structure using nested dictionaries, and an adjacency list-like structure using a dictionary and sets/lists.

Nested dictionaries

For this one, define a function that takes the server instance and a project_id for the project you'd like to create a nested structure for. Then, you can generate a set of parent-to-child mappings by iterating over server.projects, create an adjacency list from that, then use a recursive function to construct the dictionary. For this case, I'll designate a leaf with None.

from collections import defaultdict
import tableauserverclient as TSC

def create_project_tree(server: TSC.Server, project_id: str):
    adj_list = defaultdict(list)
    for project in TSC.Pager(server.projects):

    def helper(tree, *ids: str):
        if not ids:
            return None  # use None to designate leaf

        for id in ids:
            tree[id] = helper({}, *adj_list[id])

        return tree

    # recursively generate project tree
    return helper({}, *adj_list[project_id])

From this, you'll get a result looking like this (with dummy IDs):

    '11123c9b-5e2d-4b1e-969d-1bf28a6ec591': {
        '51916903-d26e-4a4b-9886-aca607b6124f': {
            '22f8d73b-f7c5-4dbc-9d01-783952393d32': None
        '802f358f-af10-4ef5-a8d3-887ebfe62665': None

Adjacency list

For this one, create the same function definition as above and take the same adjacency list generating code as well. You could stop there and generate a site-wide adjacency list, but you can also do an iterative breadth-first traversal to visit all the children, keep track of which have been seen, and restrict the adjacency list to that.

from collections import defaultdict, deque
import tableauserverclient as TSC

def create_project_adjacency_list(
    server: TSC.Server, project_id: str
) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
    adj_list = defaultdict(list)
    for project in TSC.Pager(server.projects):

    # iterative breadth-first traversal to find all child projects
    # tree structure means no need to keep a visited set
    # (unlike a graph where you may visit the same node more than once)
    seen, queue = [project_id], deque(graph[project_id])
    while queue:
        curr = queue.popleft()

        if curr in adj_list:
            for child_id in adj_list[curr]:

    return {id: adj_list[id] for id in seen}

Usecase: cloning a project structure

One usecase for the above methods might be to clone an existing project structure under a new destination project. For example, moving or cloning an entire root level project under a test project of some sort. When cloning each project child, you'll need the parent project cloned first so you can set the parent_id of the new child.

Here's how the code for this might look:

import argparse
from collections import defaultdict, deque
from typing import Iterator

import tableauserverclient as TSC

# set these from environment variables, for example
SITE_ID = None

def generate_adjacency_list(
    server: TSC.Server
) -> dict[str, list[str]]:
    adj_list = defaultdict(list)
    for project in TSC.Pager(server.projects):

    return adj_list

def traverse_project_tree(
    server: TSC.Server, project_id: str
) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]:
    adj_list = generate_adjacency_list(server)

    queue = deque([(None, project_id)])
    while queue:
        parent, current = queue.popleft()

        if current in adj_list:
            for child_id in adj_list[current]:
                queue.append((current, child_id))

        yield (parent, current)

def main() -> None:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--project-id', required=True, type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--destination-id', required=True, type=str)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    tableau_auth = TSC.PersonalAccessTokenAuth(
    server = TSC.Server(SERVER_URL)

    with server.auth.sign_in(tableau_auth):

        # store old to new project id mapping
        # so that we can clone under the new parent
        mapping = {}
        for pair in traverse_project_tree(server, args.project_id):
            parent_id, current_id = pair
            current_project = server.projects.get_by_id(current_id)

            print(f'Cloning {}...')

            new_parent_id = mapping.get(parent_id, None)
            new_project_item = TSC.ProjectItem(
            new_project = server.projects.create(new_project_item)
            mapping[current_id] =

    print('All nested projects cloned')

if __name__ == '__main__':